I made a test server grade version of the jail system and sent it to Makz today.
Essentially I am still missing NPCs in the jails, keys for the knights, conversations with those NPCs (they give the "jail wands" (now lassos) to the knights), and a few others; still working on all of these, but:
1. timing mechanisms in place
2. cells are present.
3. Location and Relocation motion functionality available.
4. Marking and unmarking PCs are prisoners functionality available.
5. Criminal history feature. Not in use at the moment, but later on we can query how many times someone has been in the clink (and total time served)..... for those other exotic ideas you all have been talking about for repeat offenders
6. Max and Min security prisons.
7. People who escape will (hopefully) lose their prisoner status on the way out of the jails (criminal history remains)
8. knights do not get jail wands. They got ROPE instead. It is a little cool coil in your inventory.
9. rope configuration for setting how many minutes a person will serve, and where they go to (minimum or maximum security facilities). minimum = RP jail, maximum = server rules jail.
10. dice throws with all kinds of modifiers ranging from being dazed, knocked down, timestopped, concealment bonus, and more.
11. A brutal to make, beautiful to behold (assuming it works 100% of the time) algorithm for some big time date and timing conversions.
Now keep in mind at the time of this writing I am not perfectly sure that all of the above *works*, but it *should work* =-) While i am finishing the key NPCs and some animations (whipping animation for lasso using knights, etc..) I will hopefully be able to get feedback on the test one and then in all one shot, throw you guys a working live copy
The crux of the problem is when the knight's rope is used on the self, it goes into configuration mode (how long to set the jail times, etc...). This is what I want it to do. But the thing is, it doesn't jail myself =-)
So since I've never been jailed in my own jail because I need someone else to jail me, how do I really know it works?
I made the slavery system on similar premises and was actually just lucky. Lets hope I am again this time too.