Post by Makzimia on Apr 9, 2004 17:02:56 GMT
Greetings fellow Fredians, well I was on a high this morning, I had the arcane plane completed... so I thought, I had got hold of a script off neverwinter vault modified, improved??? by Jaecin Moon, originally by Matman. This was the core script for moving players at random from clickable portal door to portal door. Sadly, the script, and remember I am not a scripter, does not work... so... I have sent a copy to my dear wife Salandra, at work, and asked her please please to tell me why it portals me on the same spot everytime, instead of to one of the other cases in it. Not really much in addition to that, I was on that from around 5am my time this morning. Fixed some small issues, including alignments of certain warped creatures, added new creature for the Arcane Plane, made all kinds of additions to it, a new trigger will take you there even now, if you are level 20 or higher in certain spots all over Fredian, there is 3 or 4 of those. *sigh* oh well... maybe later today or tomorrow morning... depending on the will of my wife. Update was loaded still anyway. Edit: on a bright note however, if a trigger gets you and sends you there, at least I didn't make it no Ke'Haar useable yet because I wanted it properly tested before, I did. *chuckles* Enjoy, Makz.
Post by Makzimia on Apr 9, 2004 18:33:16 GMT
FIXED!!!! got the arcane plane's portal's working, thanks to my lovely wife. I will load the fix shortly, needless to say, I have also now made it so you cannot escape it using the ke'haar stones *EVIL LAUGH* Makz.